More about SAM

Social Accountability Monitoring (SAM) is a monitoring methodology developed at the Public Service Accountability Monitor in South Africa. It offers civic actors a rights-based and evidence-based framework for understanding how government service delivery processes work, as well as the skills and tools to engage with them effectively.

Model for Community Based Monitoring

The model is adapted from the SAfAIDS Social Accountability Monitoring for SRHR (SAM4SRHR) model.

  • Piloted at Khuma Community in Northwest Province, working with local IP, Khuma Clinic, DOH, local municipality and NWDOH
  • This proposed Model has a 3-pronged approach: 1) Capacity strengthening and community mobilisation; 2) Generation of SAM data on HIV & TB services provision through utilisation of mHealth technology, such as the MobiSAfAIDS App ; and 3) Design of collaborative policy advocacy actions to address HIV & TB service challenges faced by KVPs ( AGYW, TG, MSM, Youth Living with HIV).
  • Based on our past experience, the success of the model has been use of mobile technology as an enabler for communities to monitor health services, and linking the evidence generated for policy advocacy to reduce service delivery gaps.

  • Download the ACBM Toolkit here

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